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Donnerstag, 4. November 2004

Frommer Wunsch?

Gott erhalte Jassir Arafat!!

Gott erhalte Scheich Yassin!!
Bereits erhalten am 22.03.2004

In den Nachrichten | 23:19h | 0 Kommentare |comment



Großer Spaß: Fellowship 9/11

Schöner Link, gefunden bei :
Herrn Broder.

Michael Moore's searing examination of the Aragorn administration's actions in the wake of the tragic events at Helms Deep.

With his characteristic humor and dogged commitment to uncovering - or if necessary fabricating - the facts, Moore considers the reign of the son of Arathorn and where it has led us.

He looks at how - and why - Aragorn and his inner circle avoided pursuing the Saruman connection to Helms Deep, despite the fact that 9 out of every 10 Orcs that attacked the castle were actually Uruk-hai who were spawned in and financed by Isengard.

Ich schmeiss mich grade weg vor Lachen...

Links | 02:12h | 0 Kommentare |comment