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Auf den Hund gekommen!

Ich bin ein Podenco Ibicenco (Ibizan Hound) (bark!)

Spain. This breed has been known on the island of Ibiza for more than 3,000 years where it has been bred pure for centuries.
Like the Pharaoh Hound, it is a descendent of the hunting dogs kept by the ancient Egyptians. Brought to Balearic Isles by Phoenician and Carthaginian immigrants, this breed still strongly resembles their ancestors depicted in Egyptian drawings.
A noble looking animal with a kindly nature. It is also extremly sensitive with acute hearing an must never be shouted at. Good with children; rarely fights and responds to kind treatment.

10 Fragen vom nächsten Hund entfernt: What dog are you?
Donnerstag, 24. März 2005, 03:08, von claus x | |comment

diejulia, 2005.03.26, 00:35
sehr, sehr feine Seite, das! :-)

Ich bin übrigens ein "German Pinscher"



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