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Grateful Life - When The Whirlwind Passes By / 1995

Nirgendwo im Netz zu finden. Gekauft vor Jahren in Bremen beim CD-Dealer (Hot Shot Records) meines Vertrauens, der ab und an selber CDs aus den Vereinigten Staaten importiert.

Tun wir also unserer Chronistenpflicht genüge, und laden CD-Cover und Titelreihenfolge dieser offenbar in Eigenregie produzierten CD ("made in USA") hoch und hinauf in das weite, weite Internet:

Allan Lowe - Accustic Guitar, Lead Vocals, Percussion
Steve Byce - Lead Guitar, Harmony Vocals
Paul Rennie - Bass Guitar, Harmony Vocals, Lead Vocals
Nick Poturich - Drums
In Loving Memory of Julian Ray Fletcher

01 - Need the Love
02 - Till I'm Lifted Up
03 - True Love
04 - Devil Laughing
05 - It Wasn't Free
06 - My Jesus
07 - Boundless Love
08 - Intro: The Return
09 - When The Whirlwind Passes By
10 - Healer of Hearts
11 - Jesus Will
12 - To The Hills (Psalm 121)
13 - Little Brother
14 - Guiding Light
15 - Giving Up The Blues

(c) 1995

Vieleicht sucht ja irgendwann noch einmal eine zweite Person nach dem CD-Cover, um seine Itunes Datenbank zu komplettieren.

Den Beispieltitel habe ich dann lieder boch wieder deaktiviert, ich möchte es mir letztlich nicht mit irgenwem rechlich oder monetär verscherzen.

Lyric zu Titel 4:

Girl wears a thousand dollar necklace,
A hundred dollar pair of jeans.
She drives a ninety-five Mercedes,
And cries I don't know what life means.

Boy's got a dollar in his pocket,
And a belly full of wine.
He wants to reach an understanding,
Of why he's crying all the time.

If they could hear the devil laughing,
from her mansion to his alley,
I believe they'd turn to Jesus.
Let him lift them from their valley.

Woman married a gung ho doctor,
Unfullfilled she takes a lover.
One valium won't stop shameful feelings,
She takes another and another.

Man says his children are a hassle,
He say his wife is such a nag.
His job has pushed him to the limit.
Now every day is just a drag.


If they could hear the devil laughing,
With such pleasure at their pain.
I beleive they'd turn to Jesus,
Let his crimson wash their stain.

If they could hear the devil laughing,
As he drowns them in his flood.
I believe they'd turn to Jesus,
Let Jesus wash them in his blood.
Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012, 15:47, von claus x | |comment

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