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Things we acquire

"..Things we acquire means fuel for the fire
The feeling is gone, then our soul we will pawn
Dollars for happiness, that's what the world tells us
Pour all yourself in the pursuit of wealth

Ever since I was a boy
I have always kept your laws
Now I want to follow you
Join you in your noble cause
Jesus turned to him and said
Sell all you have, give to the poor
The rich young ruler hung his head
Not to follow, walked instead..."
(Tourniquet, Vanishing Lessons)

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Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012, 01:01, von claus x | |comment

miss clio, 2012.02.24, 16:46
Mir gefallen die Lyrics!


Needless to say that ich bzgl. der Lyriks bereits einen schnippischen Kommentar aus dem engsten Familieinkreis bekam ("ausgerechnet du....").

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